I was a Police Officer with 16 years of experience. I have worked in Burnaby, B.C. in both General Duty and Traffic enforcement duties. I have experience and training in Fraud and Counterfeit Currency investigations. During my time with the RCMP I understood the importance of note taking and documentation. I have worked with the High Prairie RBC Bank to put on fraud awareness meetings for their clients highlighting the methods used locally to victimize their clients. Most recently I have worked in High Prairie, AB as a Corporal where the focus of my duties were reviewing files, mentoring and supporting new members, scheduling and assisting the public. High Prairie is primarily staffed with new recruits and I have helped them learn and grow as new police officers through training opportunities, mentoring, support and encouragement. These are the same attributes and training that I will bring with me into the banking world to help myself succeed as well as those who work with me.
Report Writing
Integrity and Honesty
Conflict de-escalation
Case Management
Critical Thinking
Staff management
Schedule setting