A highly educated individual with a broad experience in nearly all areas of employment law and labour relations. I am currently looking to secure a more senior role within the field of labour relations, preferably on the employer side.
I currently serve as a labour relations officer for over 5000 support staff at the CBE across 50 different positions and two collective agreements. I provide daily advice to members on their rights and entitlements, serve as their representative for workplace investigations and grievance procedures - up to and including arbitration. I have served on multiple committees, including as the second lead for our 2023 and upcoming 2024 collective bargaining committees.
I provided legal information, advocacy, and representation (as an agent) for Alberta workers under nearly all legislation relating to employment - both provincially and federally regulated. In my four years as a case worker I filed and represented on over 100 Alberta Human Rights Complaints, and served as the organization's human rights specialist. In total, I directly assisted in the awarding of nearly two million dollars of entitlements to Alberta workers.
Provided research and support as directed in accordance with the mandates of the CDLC. Primary project was to review/audit the campaign financial disclosures of all candidates who ran in one of the 2017 Alberta municipal elections. My findings directly contributed to the tabling and passing of Bill 23 in the fall of 2018 (since amended as Bill 29).