Currently practicing as a registered nurse (RN) with a diverse background. I have had the privilege of serving within the unique and dynamic healthcare landscape of the rural Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre. As an RN, my extends to providing compassionate care across various departments, including the emergency room, acute care, long-term care, palliative care, mental health, and maternity and birthing areas. This multifaceted experience has hone extends to providing compassionate care across various departments, including the emergency room, acute care, long-term care, palliative care, mental health, and maternity and birthing areas. This multifaceted experience has honed my ability to adapt to varying patient needs, while also developing a comprehensive skill set that encompasses ever changing situations, holistic nursing, and patient-centered approaches. Working in this rural healthcare setting has further deepened my commitment to delivering high-quality nursing care to diverse patient populations, highlighting the importance of resourcefulness, adaptability, and a community.
While being an RN is a highlight of my career, in my free time I enjoy crocheting, watercolor, reading, and digital art. I think of these as not only hobbies but also a testament to my commitment to creativity and self expression. These artistic pursuits serve as a meaningful counterpoint to my nursing career, emphasizing my passion for creation and innovation in all aspects of life. They also serve as fun gifts for friends and family.