I developed strong communication and safety awareness at Valley Gymnastics Centre, enhancing athlete success through personalized coaching. My experience as a Kitchen Volunteer at Rosthern Community School improved my attention to detail, ensuring high standards of hygiene and teamwork.
Kristina Johannesson- Employer and Gymnastics Supervisor
Email: valleygymnasticscentre@gmail.com
Phone Number: 306-292-8573
Shealynne Fehr- Teacher and Volleyball Coach
Email: sf388@spiritsd.ca
Phone Number: 306-947-7522
CPP Judging Certification- Certified Gymnastics Saskatchewan Competition Judge
I am currently working towards getting my Official Gymnastics Coaching Certificate to become a Registered Coach
CPP Judging Certification- Certified Gymnastics Saskatchewan Competition Judge
I am currently working towards getting my Official Gymnastics Coaching Certificate to become a Registered Coach