Proven customer service expert with a record of resolving conflicts and boosting customer loyalty at Cool Patch Pumpkins. Demonstrates exceptional critical thinking and cash handling accuracy. Excels in active listening and fostering teamwork, ensuring high-quality service and a positive work environment.
Developed strong interpersonal and organizational skills in fast-paced retail environment. Demonstrated ability to manage multiple tasks and provide high-quality customer service. Seeking to transition into new field, applying these transferrable skills to contribute to dynamic team.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification, Lifeguard Certification, OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Training, Stop The Bleed, Public Safety/Lay Rescuer Naloxone Administration Course
The Nurse Club that I am involved in at Vacaville High School focuses on promoting health awareness to educate students on various health-related topics including health education, peer support, and handling medical related tools. In this club, we get to complete various patient assessments, complete bloodborne pathogens standards, perform CPR, use an AED, and properly administer both emergency epinephrine auto-injector and naloxone. We learn how to calculate drug dosages, prepare medication and administer an injectable medication while following the six rights of medication administration. We are able to successfully place an intravenous line and can perform vision and hearing screenings.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification, Lifeguard Certification, OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Training, Stop The Bleed, Public Safety/Lay Rescuer Naloxone Administration Course