I am a seasoned videographer, photographer, and editor with over 10 years of professional experience. My career includes extensive roles as a camera operator, Director of Photography (DP), and editor, both in full-time positions with production companies and as a freelancer.
In January 2024, I launched my video production company, HB Film, dedicated to delivering high-quality video content to a variety of clients throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Throughout my journey, I have worked on a wide array of projects, ranging from documentaries and television shows to sitcoms and travel filmmaking. One of my proudest achievements was having my photograph showcased on the digital platforms of National Geographic, a testament to my dedication and passion for visual storytelling.
*Sony A7S III Fully rigged
*Sony FX3
*DJI Ronin 4D
*DJI mavic 3 cinema
*14-24mm F2.8 Sigma art
*24-70mm F2.8 G master
*50mm F1.4 Rokinon
*16-35mm F4 G Sony
*Fora nanlite 720B
*Tube ligates
*Led ligates
*C stands
*Slider auto