A full-time priest associate since May 2023 serving the Anglican Diocese of Ontario at Saint Lawrence, Brockville, and St. John the Baptist, Lyn. Originally from Brazil, he was serving the Anglican Diocese of Sao Paulo. He was ordained as a deacon in 2007 and as a priest in 2008. Throughout his ministry journey, he has rendered his services at various places, starting as an Associate Priest and later as Incumbent at St. Luke Parish in Vila Maria. Additionally, he served as an Associate Priest at All Saints Parish in Santos.
From his early seminary days, Rogerio actively participated in numerous commissions of both the Diocese and the National Church, including Ecumenism and Diakonia.
In 2019, Rogerio completed his master’s in education. His pastoral care skills are commendable, and he has a particular affinity for working with couples preparing for marriage. He finds joy in guiding them through this momentous occasion and beyond. He firmly believes that the ministry involving families is a vital way to connect and reconnect individuals to God and the Church in the challenging context of post-modern times.
Apart from his pastoral work, Rogerio is also skilled in managing social media platforms, which he utilizes as a means to further his outreach and engagement with the community.
Rogerio is married to Sibeli. They spend their free time with their beloved dogs Lady and Crystal, enjoying their new homeland in Canada.
Overall, Fr. Rogerio brings a wealth of experience and dedication to his ministry, and his international background adds a unique dimension to his service within the local community.
De-Assis, R. (2018). Chronicles of an Anglican Reverend. São Paulo: Chiado Books.
De-Assis, R. (2020). Hope as theological-pedagogical praxis: A dialogue between Jungen Moltmann and Paulo Freire. São Paulo: BT Acadêmica.
De-Assis, R. (2022). Fundamentals of Chaplaincy. Indaial/SC. Centro Universitario Leonardo da Vinci – UNIASSELVI.
De-Assis, R & Marcos Lorieri, A. (2019). The importance of hope in human formation: Contributions by Paulo Freire. In Jason Ferreira Mafra & Rosiley Aparecida Teixeira. Editora CRV. Education: the importance of the act of rereading, 71-81. https://www.editoracrv.com.br/produtos/detalhes/33735-educacaobr-a-importancia-do-ato-de-reler
De-Assis, R. (2022/Nov). Hope as theological-pedagogical praxis: A dialogue between Jürgen Moltmann and Paulo Freire. In Valdir Borges; Grégori de Souza & Bruno Rodrigues Zanello. Editora CRV. Moved by hope, 95-119. https://www.editoracrv.com.br/produtos/detalhes/37427-movidos-pela-esperanca