Provide support for Enoch's legal matters.
I started in this position as summer intern and was offered full-time employment in september. In this position I am being mentored by Rosalie Gray the Manager of Industry Relations and Procurement. This position is allowing me participate in contract negotiation, contractor selection, and be part of delivering presentations to large companies such as Trans Mountain and TC energy. I received experience in Indigenous relations, leaning early support and advocacy for the inclusion and protection of Enoch's traditional territory on large energy projects such as Dow Path2Zero, Enbridge Wabamun Carbon Hub.
My Internship with the office manager Cheryl Ogima-Ward allowed me gain experience within many different departments within my nation. I was able gain work experience in human resources, membership, Wiyasiwewin legal & claims.
My internship was one the most rewarding and educational I've ever had as it allowed me to use aspects political expanding my knowledge of Indigenous law, treaty rights, and Indigenous-Crown relations. It also provided a unparallel opportunity to volunteer in many areas of my community.
This business was both women and indigenous owned, it was also my first job on Enoch Cree nation. I started in this position as a Enoch summer student in the receptionist position, and worked my way up to the Administrative manager. I stayed with the business till right before its close leaving briefly 2020 due to pandemic regulations.
Enoch Cree Nation
CEASE-Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation 2012-2024