Compassionate Registered Nurse with 14 years of experience in offering comprehensive patient care in Emergent and in-patient environments. Work well with diverse patient population and foster trusting relationships to improve outcomes. Efficiently coordinate with healthcare professionals to advance patient care.
RN Coordinator of the Call Center; my job was to speak to patients or care givers or parents of patients regarding all manner of topics-advice for life threatening scenarios as well as advice on benign issues (triage nurse for many complaints; also relayed messages from health care providers to the patient, over the phone.
I refilled prescriptions and discussed medications at length with patients.
I covered a department in scheduling hospital follow up appointments, which included reviewing hospital records and determining the severity of the hospital visit and speaking with the patient and scheduling an appointment.
Next Gen EMR used.
Travel ED RN in a large, busy, level 1 trauma ED; caring for all levels of sick patients, including those in respiratory distress, with COVID and performing IV placement, blood draws and assessments.
Worked a variety of shifts and collaborated with all disciplines within the hospital and Emergency Department.
Travel ED RN in a large, busy ED; caring for all levels of sick patients, including those in respiratory distress, with COVID and performing triage assessments.
Worked a variety of shifts and collaborated with all disciplines within the hospital and Emergency Department.
Worked on a small team of Anesthesiologists and nurses to sedate pediatric patients for procedures and then recover them afterwards.