To obtain a position within your company and further develop my skills as a productive employee while continuing to increase my knowledge in the work force. SKILLS & ABILITIES: I greatly enjoy working with the public and I have the ability to work with others in a productive and competent and respectful environment. I am very friendly and strong in my work convictions. I rise to challenges and complete tasks in a timely manner. I pride myself in my attention to detail. COMMUNICATION: Excellent skills conveying and understanding the customer’s and employer’s needs. I have never been one to shy away from ensuring that I understand exactly what is required of me. My attention to detail has helped me progress and receive respect from my fellow workers and direct reports. I always make people feel good with positive communication along with an upbeat attitude. A smile can go a long way. LEADERSHIP: I build relationships with people and help them feel confident and always give credit to those that excel. My friends and peers like me and enjoy my company. I exude confidence and always carry a positive demeanor. I work well in groups or independently.