Resourceful Law Clerk with solid legal and Canadian Immigration background. Managed client communications for immigration attorneys and prepared and drafted legal documents and forms for immigration applications. Superb organizational skills and compassionate nature leading to optimum outcomes.
Attended board meetings, appropriate committee meetings, and acted as recording secretary; Promoted the non-profit across multiple social media platforms and advocated for accessibility; Acted as an ambassador for press releases; Participated in fundraising activities and special events; Reviewed agenda and supporting documents prior to meetings; Understand and promote the organization's mission and kept current on Hard of Hearing issues and developments.
Organized and amended the Judicial Board Code of Procedures with Judicial board members; participated in hearings and interviews of parties; Heard cases evolving election policies and student affairs; Decided on cases and writing of decisions; Clarified any decisions to the student body when questioned.
Received an award for most academically and socially active association (out of 26) by Concordia's Arts and Sciences Federation. Set up meetings, agenda, and delegated tasks to the five vice-presidents; Planned events (campaigns, lectures, and social activities) and was main spokesperson for the Association.
Invited two Ottawa lawyers to lecture on various aspects of the legal profession; communicated with stakeholders (Law schools, faculties, and university administration) and aided in the drafting of the CPLS Constitution