Proactive Child Protection Social Worker with extensive experience in assessing and ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Skilled in risk assessments, collaborative planning with families and community professionals, and navigating complex legislation and protocols. Bringing strong decision-making abilities and a commitment to supporting Indigenous communities and children in care.
- Investigate reports of child abuse or neglect
- Assess situations, collect information, and develop plans for the safety of children
- Making critical immediate decisions to ensure children’s safety and well being
- Complete risk assessments to determine if child is in need of protection. Prepare achievable plans for individuals to address risks
- Collaborate with family members and community professionals to make achievable plans and provide family support
- Regularly evaluate client’s progress of reducing risk
- Connect families with support services, assess progress from evidence based reports, meet regularly with clients and service providers to ensure planning is current and relevant
- Carry out the duties of guardianship to all children in care
- Coordinate/collaborate with other service providers in a multidisciplinary team environment
- Contract with other agencies or professionals to assess the family’s situation and needs
- Work with community partners involved with clients
- Complete efficient court documentation; serve clients court documentation in a timely manner; prepare and give evidence for complex court trials
- Participate in court ordered mediation and family group conferences
- Work with children that are in care to understand their rights while in care of the Ministry
- Interview children regarding safety concerns
- Work collaboratively with children/youth in care to construct plans of care that address their individual needs
- Work with youth to prepare them for independence
- Successfully navigate and connect with inter-provincial agencies and service providers
- Navigate First Nations protocol and communicate with Band Chiefs to coordinate services for Indigenous people
- Work with a variety of Indigenous Communities and agencies in remote and rural areas of BC
- Provide vacancy coverage for Team Leader in a Supervisory capacity
- Practicum Student Supervisor for fourth year University students from the schools of Social Work and Child and Youth Care
In addition to above descriptors:
- worked in a generalist capacity, providing youth transition supportive services for youth transitioning to independence
- coordinated services for families in highly remote communities
- acts as the legal guardian of children in care by assessing the child’s strengths and needs regarding permanency, identity, placement, health, legal, education/social recreational activities and self-care/independence skills
- worked on creating and building respectful and trusting relationships with Indigenous members, professionals and community leadership with multiple Indigenous Nations
- maintaining current knowledge of Community agreements under 92.1 and Coordination Agreements
- working in alignment with the Aboriginal Policy and Practice Framework
Same as above.
Same as above.
Same as above.
- Exceptional organization skills
- Excellent analytical and research skills
- Excellent ability to manage various relationships with different stakeholders
- Excellent communication skills
- Able to work independently
- Excellent problem solving ability
- Experience in working with complex legislation
- Strong skills in making complex decisions
- Capable of working in high stress and conflictual situations
- Competently manage complex caseloads
- Full C6 Child Protection delegation