Work History
Workout and cooking

Franklin Kang

St. Catharines,ON


My name is Franklin, and I am a 9th-grade student at Eden High School. I will be entering the 10th grade in September. I have a passion for fitness and cooking, with a strong focus on maintaining a healthy diet. In my spare time, I assist with BNB cleaning and lawn mowing. Additionally, I help my aunt with babysitting on weekends or evenings to earn extra pocket money. I am enthusiastic about learning new things, adept at managing my time, and excel in teamwork, communication, and listening skills.


years of professional experience

Work History

BNB cleaning

Anderson Property Management Co.
07.2019 - Current
  • Changing and Prepping Bed Sheets; Dishwashing and Organizing Utensils; Laundry and Dryer Loading;Restocking of supplies (soap and towels)

Lawn Mower

Anderson Property Management Co.
06.2019 - Current
  • Mowed lawns of residential properties on weekly basis to maintain grass length.
  • Removed weeds, hazards, and debris from common pathways to improve usability.
  • Removed grass clippings and leaves from property using blower.
  • Removed rocks and other items from lawn for mower safety and clean appearance.


Family Members
07.2021 - Current
  • Played games, worked on puzzles, and read books to young child on night or weekend or summer vocation.
  • Communicated positively with children and guardians.


No Degree - High School

Eden High School
St. Catharines, Ontario


Time Management Skills;Communication Skills;Strength, Endurance, and Hand-Eye Coordination

  • Time Management
  • Reliability
  • Communication Skills
  • Dependable and Responsible
  • Strength, Endurance, and Hand-Eye Coordination


Full Professional

Workout and cooking

  • Workout: I go to the gym 6 times a week and take my workouts very seriously. My routine includes exercises targeting various muscle groups such as weightlifting, arms, legs, back, and chest. Working out has not only strengthened my body but also my mental health.
  • Cooking: I am passionate about cooking and have learned a lot about healthy eating. When I cook, I pay great attention to balanced nutrition and taste. Whenever I have time, I cook for myself, my mother, and classmates who visit my home.



Family Members
07.2021 - Current

BNB cleaning

Anderson Property Management Co.
07.2019 - Current

Lawn Mower

Anderson Property Management Co.
06.2019 - Current

No Degree - High School

Eden High School
Franklin Kang