Work History




Registered nurse with seven years of diverse nursing experience in intensive care, surgical and medical units. Working remotely in Nunavut the past three years have even furthered by knowledge as a nurse in all domains; primary, public health care, mental health care, urgent and emergent care.


years of professional experience

Work History

Community Health Nurse

Bayshore Health Care
01.2022 - Current
  • Lead and supervise a team of healthcare professionals and support staff, facilitating patient care and communication amongst staff.
  • Well child clinics to assess growth and developmental milestones in infants and children, administering recommended immunizations and, addressing parents' concerns with meeting child's needs.
  • Performed routine cervical screening and followed up on abnormal results according to Nunavut guidelines and policies.
  • Manage chronic diseases in children and adults in collaboration with specialists, by scheduling regular follow up visits for physical assessments and, ensuring the availability of medications.
  • Routine prenatal clinics to monitor health of mother and development of fetus; fetal heart rate monitoring, blood tests, facilitating ultrasound appointments, immunization status and mental health counseling.
  • Telephone triage during and after clinic hours to assess patient's needs, prioritizing urgent or emergent cases and scheduling timely appointments in clinic.
  • Providing urgent and emergent care 24/7 with a team of nurses, paramedics and doctors, treating infections, allergic reactions and injuries.
  • Communicating and collaborating with flight nurses to transfer patients with major trauma or life threatening illness via medevac to a hospital.
  • Working as a team to address cardiac arrest//code blue with remote physician support via Telehealth.

Registered Nurse

Solutions Staffing Inc
12.2020 - 01.2022
  • Continuous bladder irrigation with three way catheter in male patients after TURP while monitoring for flow, clots or obstructions.
  • Monitoring fluid and electrolyte levels through blood tests to prevent imbalances that could alter patient's mental status.
  • Highlight dietary changes and transition from small liquids to soft foods and complications such as bowel obstructions or dumping syndrome, for patients with gastric bypass
  • Care of orthopaedic patients following ORIFs or joint replacements; monitoring signs and symptoms of pain, bleeding, or DVTs.
  • Postoperative pain management according to patient's reports and physician orders.
  • Education regarding early and safe mobility, using aids such as crutches or wheelchairs effectively to maintain joint alignment and prevent falls.
  • -Wound assessments and dressing changes to prevent infection.

Registered Nurse

Select Medical Connections - Travel Nursing Agency
09.2019 - 10.2021
  • Collaborative care and team work with cardiac surgeons, physician assistants, nurses and health care aids, planning for patients' care after surgery to discharging patients.
  • Communicated effectively with the team through meetings, reports and electronic devices like Vocera.
  • Managed three to five patients recovering from cardiac surgery (bypass, valve replacements); discontinuing chest tubes, pacemakers, and central lines.
  • ECG monitoring and interpretation to identify arrhythmias, beta blockers and other abnormal rhythms.
  • Discharge planning and patient education regarding prescription medications, wound care, complications and follow up visits.

Registered Nurse, Intensive Care Unit

Saint John Regional Hospital
08.2018 - 08.2019
  • ECG monitoring on all patients admitted into the ICU.
  • Assisted with chest tube insertions and removal by physicians.
  • Managed arterial lines, central lines and peripheral IVs and administered high risk medications like sedatives, paralytics, narcotics.
  • Handled ventilator supports in collaboration with respiratory therapists, checking endotracheal tube placements and suctioning to maintain optimal ventilation.
  • Provided enteral and parenteral nutrition as ordered by physicians.
  • Facilitated care transitions from ICU to ward by giving telephone or verbal reports and transporting patients.


Certified Associate in Project Management - Project Management

Project Management Institute
Montreal, QC

Bachelor of Science - Nursing

Memorial University of Newfoundland
St John's, NL


  • Leadership
  • Care coordination, advocacy and case management
  • Clinical knowledge and patient centered care
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Organizational and time management
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Virtual triage
  • Telemedicine
  • Cultural competency
  • Patient education
  • EHR systems- Meditech, Cerner
  • Microsoft teams and office 365


-Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)

-IBM Project Manager





-Nunavut Immunization




Community Health Nurse

Bayshore Health Care
01.2022 - Current

Registered Nurse

Solutions Staffing Inc
12.2020 - 01.2022

Registered Nurse

Select Medical Connections - Travel Nursing Agency
09.2019 - 10.2021

Registered Nurse, Intensive Care Unit

Saint John Regional Hospital
08.2018 - 08.2019

-Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)

-IBM Project Manager





-Nunavut Immunization

Certified Associate in Project Management - Project Management

Project Management Institute

Bachelor of Science - Nursing

Memorial University of Newfoundland