Work History
Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace



Since being initially trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy at Coastal Academy over sixteen years ago, Brian has steadfastly both practiced and studied the psychological and physiological effects of behaviors within the context of medical science and how understanding and altering them can relieve and resolve many conditions, including IBS, Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Asthma, Pain Management, and more.

Brian has also studied and practiced extensively within the field of addictions and recovery and applied that knowledge in the treatment of over 2500 clients in the area of smoking cessation alone, as well as in alcohol, drug and behavioral addictions.


years of professional experience

Work History


Natural Echoes Wellness Initiative
01.2006 - 01.2020
  • In addition to private therapy practice, was a managing partner in a multi-disciplinary medical practice located on the North Shore, Vancouver BC
  • In addition to day-to-day management of group practice, implemented an outreach program for clinicians to work with regional homeless shelters to provide care to an outreach program for clinicians to work with regional homeless shelters to provide care to an underserved population at no cost to patients.
  • Delivered high-quality patient care by conducting thorough assessments, developing treatment plans, and providing ongoing therapeutic support.

Research Assistant

Dean of Academics
01.2005 - 01.2012
  • Assistant to Dean of Academics for pedagogical study and implementation of online curriculum for four-year Naturopathic College, New Westminster, BC
  • Audited classes and worked with instructors to improve educational delivery in and out of classes.
  • Performed statistical, qualitative, and quantitative analysis.
  • Maintained open lines of communication with project leads and team members for effective collaboration on common goals.
  • Conducted literature reviews to support hypothesis development and identify gaps in existing knowledge.

Media Designer

Exec. Producer
01.1996 - 01.2007
  • Founding partner responsible for business development and sales of start-up Web and CD-ROM development company
  • Successfully transformed into Incorporated business with industry recognized leaders as Board of Advisors
  • Responsible for supervising and initiating overall business planning and execution of Board mandates through team of contracted developers and internal resources
  • Clients included Microsoft Canada, RBC Bank, CTV.
  • Selection and supervision of all contractors and direction of art, copy and programming elements for each client project.


Clinical Hypnotherapy - Hypnotherapy

Coastal Academy of Hypnosis
White Rock, BC

Bachelor of Science - Psychology / Philosophy

York University
North York


  • Illustration
  • Layout Design
  • Video Editing
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • UI and UX Design
  • Photography
  • Microsoft Office
  • Multitasking and Organization
  • Complex Problem-Solving
  • Project Management
  • Community Outreach


Native or Bilingual



Natural Echoes Wellness Initiative
01.2006 - 01.2020

Research Assistant

Dean of Academics
01.2005 - 01.2012

Media Designer

Exec. Producer
01.1996 - 01.2007

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Hypnotherapy

Coastal Academy of Hypnosis

Bachelor of Science - Psychology / Philosophy

York University
Brian Wallace