Emerging chemical engineer with experience in experimental procedures, data analysis and a strong foundation in scientific theory. Experience working in a laboratory environmentally to safely and effectively, measure, organize and analyze data using a diverse range of lab equipment alongside python and excel for data-prepping, analysis and visualization.
- libraries: pandas, matplotlib, scipy, numpy
- implementing data structures and algorithms
- performing data prepping, analysis, visualization
- libraries/frameworks: react, nodejs, express
- skilled at visual basic and macros
Boiler Efficiency and Emissions Data Analysis Project in Python:
- Conducted comprehensive data analysis on over 8,000 rows of boiler operational data from excel using Python to calculate material and energy balances.
- Developed algorithms to accurately determine boiler efficiency and assess compliance with local emissions regulations.
- Utilized statistical methods and data visualization techniques to interpret results, providing actionable insights for optimization and regulatory compliance.
- Enhanced proficiency in Python libraries such as pandas, numpy, and matplotlib, applying data science techniques in a practical, industrial context.
Github: https://github.com/DevYadC/boiler-data-analysis
Full Stack Web Application for IQ Tests with Data Analysis portion:
- Designed and implemented a full-stack web application using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js for users to take IQ tests and record user scores.
- Developed a real-time data visualization feature displaying a bar chart distribution of user scores, enhancing user engagement and providing immediate feedback.
- Integrated backend data handling with frontend interactive elements, showcasing the ability to manage and present large datasets effectively.
- This project significantly bolstered my data analysis skills, providing a hands-on approach to understanding data flow, storage, and user interaction dynamics in web development.
Github: htps://github.com/DevYadC/iq-test-webapp
Website Link: https://iq-test-website-a24ac4c47993.herokuapp.com/