A team-oriented professional with excellent communication, interpersonal, and creative thinking skills built over from an active 10 years work. Aiming to leverage abilities to successfully maintain a full-time position that offers professional solution, utilizing engineering skill, business and sales support skill, work prioritization skill, time management and problem-solving skills to achieve goals. Encouraging leader and analytical problem-solver with talents for team building, leading and motivating, as well as excellent customer relations aptitude and relationship-building skills. Dedicated to applying training, monitoring and morale-building abilities to enhance employee engagement and boost performance.
Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)
Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN Certified)
Member Chartered Institute of Safety Professionals
Always read books and articles that inspire me to keep focus,
Previous employment took a lot of traveling to and fro client location and this interesting.
Swimming helps to relax muscles and fitness.