Work History


El Cajon,CA


Focused counselor with fourteen years of success guiding students on academic and career decisions. Skilled at counseling students on methods for forging relationships and helping students navigate school life. Driven to support long-term goal achievement by linking students to outside resources to enhance education and career prospects.


years of professional experience

Work History

School Counselor

San Diego Unified School District
08.2015 - Current
  • Served as School Counselor at Barnard Asian Pacific Language Academy and Pacific View Leadership Elementary to a caseload of 740 students
  • English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) Coordinator.
  • 504 Site Coordinator
  • Designed and delivered a comprehensive school counseling program that promoted student achievement, academically and emotionally
  • Taught Second Step Guidance Curriculum in classrooms
  • Wrote and prepared lesson plans for topics such as goal setting, cultural sensitivity, grief, anxiety, growth mindset, managing emotions, decision making skills, coping skills and communication skills
  • Worked closely with students, parents, and professional teams to identify and resolve a broad range of issues directly impacting student’s academic and social performance
  • Devised and presented counseling summaries on student’s progress and future recommendations
  • Provided individual and group counseling, crisis intervention services, and conflict mediation sessions
  • Implemented behavior reinforcement programs, performed informal evaluations, and collaborated with school psychologists and parents to identify and resolve problems
  • Assisted with the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans
  • Routinely monitored student academic progress
  • Kept students, parents, and community members current on important topics, community resources, and upcoming programs through bulletin announcements, mailings, community evenings, & web page access
  • Liaison to the Children & Youth in Transition Program and other community based organizations
  • Provided site tours to prospective students and parents
  • Student Study Team Coordinator

Substitute Counselor

Mt. Helix Academy
05.2015 - 06.2015
  • Administered WIAT-III for end of year assessments to students grades K-8
  • Scored assessment and imputed raw scores via Q-global web-based scoring

Advanced Placement Test Proctor

Francis Parker High School
San Diego, California
04.2015 - 05.2015
  • Administered multiple Advanced Placement Exams
  • Prepared testing environment and ensured appropriate testing administration as outlined by College Board
  • Organized the return of all testing materials to College Board in accordance with their guidelines

NAEP Assessment Administrator

11.2014 - 03.2015
  • Administered The National Assessment of Educational Progress 2105 for the National Center for Education Statistics in San Diego County
  • Prepared assessment materials and locations
  • Conducted and monitored assessment sessions, including reading directions aloud to students verbatim, adhering carefully to the timing of sections and the distribution and collection of materials
  • Provided appropriate testing accommodations to students with disabilities or English language learners
  • Responsible for the collection of all testing materials and attendance records

Deputy Probation Officer

County of San Diego
San Diego, CA
09.2005 - 01.2007
  • Supervised and counseled caseload of 500 substance abusers on behalf of San Diego Superior Court
  • Provided both group and individual orientations to newly designated substance abusers
  • Wrote frequent reports to Courts including Warrants, Supplemental Reports, and Order to Show Cause
  • Kept Court abreast of defendant’s progress in treatment facilities as well as within community
  • Made sentencing and treatment recommendations to Court and testified in Court as required
  • Placed defendants in Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facilities across county
  • Assisted victims through restitution process
  • Supplied defendants with resources for employment, education, rehabilitation, training, and medical services and taught life skill seminars
  • Conducted field visits of defendants in rehabilitation facilities
  • Conducted re-arrests of defendants in violation of the terms of their probation and transported defendants to county jail

Guidance Counselor

Junipero Serra High School
08.2002 - 09.2005
  • Served as Student Advocate and site based AVID Counselor for a caseload of 650 students
  • Performed academic intake and exit assessments of students
  • Continuously monitored student academic progress through transcript reviews, course articulation and grade point average calculations.
  • Worked closely with students, parents, and professional teams to identify and resolve a broad range of issues directly impacting student’s academic and social performance
  • Devised and presented counseling summaries on student’s progress and future recommendations
  • Provided individual and group counseling, crisis intervention services, and conflict mediation sessions
  • Implemented behavior reinforcement programs, performed informal evaluations, and collaborated with school psychologists and parents to identify and resolve problems
  • Assisted with the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans
  • Routinely monitored student academic progress
  • Taught individualized lessons and life skills within an integrated classroom environment
  • Wrote and prepared lessons plans for classroom presentations
  • Kept students, parents, and community members current on important topics, community resources, and upcoming programs through bulletin announcements, mailings, community evenings, & web page access
  • Served as liaison to all college and university representatives including Cal-SOAP
  • CAHSEE Coordinator
  • Administered STAR Testing and Proctored Advanced Placement Exams in several subject areas


Master of Arts - Counseling & Guidance

New York University
New York, NY

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

San Diego State University
San Diego, CA


  • Individual counseling
  • Mediation and crisis intervention
  • Crisis intervention
  • Student advocacy
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Academic advising
  • Student records management
  • Develop Master Schedule for Elementary and High School


San Diego Unified School District Counselor of the Year for 2024 Leadership, Access and Equity for Languages (LEAL) Certificate


School Counselor

San Diego Unified School District
08.2015 - Current

Substitute Counselor

Mt. Helix Academy
05.2015 - 06.2015

Advanced Placement Test Proctor

Francis Parker High School
04.2015 - 05.2015

NAEP Assessment Administrator

11.2014 - 03.2015

Deputy Probation Officer

County of San Diego
09.2005 - 01.2007

Guidance Counselor

Junipero Serra High School
08.2002 - 09.2005

Master of Arts - Counseling & Guidance

New York University

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

San Diego State University