Hardworking and passionate worker with strong organizational skills currently working as a NACE Level 1 Coating Inspector. The project I am on currently is ending November 15th. The week of November 25th I am taking my NACE Level 2. Coming December I am looking to secure employment to stay busy in the Camrose area while I am home.
Products used on the job, HBE-95, K-60, TBK-80.
Savona, BC
Position: Coating Applicator
Dawson Creek, BC "eight mile" 20" pipe
Multi Line steep slope dig up, installing slope indicators.
Position: Laborer
Dawson Creek, BC
"Kiskatinaw Hill" steep slope dig up, 34" pipe.
Position: Dirt Labor/Coating Applicator and Sandblaster
Product: SP 2888, hand applied.