Skilled Financial Services Representative with experience in advising clients regarding Mutual Funds Investments, Life & Health Insurance and Vehicle Financing needs. Possesses experience in advising clients from a Financial Planning standpoint by addressing their needs through Retirement Planning, Budget Planning, Financial Management and Risk Management & Mitigation strategies. Currently possess the Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ and the Responsible Investment Specialist certifications along with Mutual Funds Investments and Life Insurance licenses.
Strong ability to work in high-stress environments
undefinedQualified Associate Financial Planner™ (QAFP) - FP Canada
I solemnly declare that all the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ (QAFP) - FP Canada
Responsible Investment Specialist (RIS) - Responsible Investment Association
Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) - Financial Services Regulatory Authority (Ontario)
Investment Funds in Canada (IFC) - Canadian Securities Institute