Experienced Water/Wastewater operator who can draw on decades of real life experience to teach/deliver requested material to First Nations operators / communities.
Manage and operate a slow sand filter water treatment facility with GAC roughing filter,ozone,UV and ESR.
Currently overseeing installation and commissioning of a new ozone generation system.
Presently enrolled in a PLC programming course with Gearge Brown College.
Operation/on call for 16 water/wastewater facilities on Manitoulin Island. Also participated in SWOP program from 2009 thru 2012 mentoring and assisting operators with plant issues and implement real solutions .
Maintained and operated Zenon , US filter membrane , Rapid sand , Ecodyne conventional filtration , pressure filtration, GUDI well water treatment facilities.
Lagoon and extended air wastewter facilities.
Responsible for Wiski 7 data management and Maximo work order maintenance management programs for Little Current water /wastewater and Sheguiandah water treatment facilities.
Thorough understanding of all provincial /federal regulations and responsible for reporting adverse results ,sampling requirements, communicating with clients,delivery of samples to accredited labs and closure of all AWQI's.
Troubleshooting of all plant /facility issues and implementation of unique / cost effective solutions.
Operation and on call for 5 water treatment facilities on Manitoulin Island ( Little Current wtp- Zenon membrane, Kagawong wtp - US filter, Sheguiandah wtp- Rapid sand,
Manitowaning wtp- US filter , Sunsite Estates - US filter.
Lead operator during the construction and commisioning of all the above facilities from no filtration to new membrane operations.
Worked closely with engineer/contractors during the 2 year long transition / building process.
Responsible for remote installation of high end steel docking systems in Canada/US.
Problem solving , welding , communicating with clients.
Supervision of several crew members.
Design and install an offshore rainbow trout million pound plus fish farm in north channel of lake Huron complete with living quarters,pontoon barge and blower feeding system.
Created / delivered an aquaculture training curriculum to 6 band members followed by the design / fabrication and management of a 1/2 million lb. rainbow trout cage farm .