Dynamic Learning and Development Specialist with 23 years of experience in public and private sectors. Highly experienced in instructional design and creating learning environments that reflect the best elements of emerging technologies with an affinity for flexible, accessible, equitable and innovative learning solutions that enhance performance and drive success.
Dundas, J., (2020). The ABCDEs of Melanoma and Their Applicability to the Field of
Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy, pzaa051. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzaa051
Dundas J. (2025). Transforming Professional Identity: Assessing Interprofessional
Growth Through Structured Educational Curricula. Poster presentation:
Innovations Conference, March 9 – 12, San Antonio, Tx.
Dundas J. (2017). Concurrent Effects of Exercise on Memory in Comparison
to Traditional Quiet Study. Platform presentation: World Confederation for
Physical Therapists Congress, July 2 – 4, Cape Town, South Africa.
Dundas, J. (2016). Concurrent Effects of Exercise Versus Traditional Quiet Study
on Memory. Poster presentation: Innovations Conference, March 20-23, Chicago, IL.
Dundas J. (2016). Exercise and Memory Makes Learning Become a Good Fit.
Conference research presentation: STLHE Conference, June 21-24, London, Ont.
Dundas J. (2014). Neuroscience Orientation. Keynote address: Trillium Health
Partners Educational Seminar Day, May 11, Toronto, Ont.
Dundas J. and Gallant, R. (2012). Strategies for Providing Effective Feedback.
Teaching Techniques and Strategies: Humber Polytechnic Centre for Teaching and
Learning, March 21, Toronto, Ont.
Dundas J. and Bolf, R. (2011). Faculty Reflections on SFQs (Student Feedback
Questionnaires): Humber Polytechnic Centre for Teaching and Learning, October 25,
Toronto, Ont.
Dundas, J. & Dickinson, D. (2008). Role of the Facilitator in an Interprofessional
Education Working Group, Facilitator Guide.