Work History

Donna Simmonds



Retired Ontario Public Service employee, with approximately thirty years of leadership experience leading Branches, offering expert communication and client focus skills built during a successful career.

Seeking a part-time position and having reviewed the job application, I am confident that I will be successful as a Facility Attendant.

I appreciate the focus on supporting a healthy, fun, creative and active lifestyle for the Canadian Armed Forces members, veterans and their families, particularly as many members of my family, including my father have served in the military.

I am conscientious, reliable, pleasant and certainly capable of providing access to the facility, answering questions, patrolling the facility and ensuring everyone is safe while all rules/regulations are being followed.


Work History


ServiceOntario, Ministry Of Government Services
  • Accomplished multiple tasks leading a unit responsible for ensuring the integrity of the Ontario's publicly funded health care system.
  • Lead Manager for the Branch budget and represented the Branch at Grievance Hearings, as well as matters relating to Health and Safety.
  • Always approached my work with a focus on providing above class customer client service to the citizens of Ontario, which is an important focus for me throughout the course of my career.


Ministry Of Municipal Affairs And Housing
  • Known for remaining highly composed under intense pressure as an Acting Director for two different Branches within the Ministry.
  • Took the lead on high profile files communicating succinctly on matters relating to the Ontario Disaster Relief Program, the publication of a handbook encouraging relationships between municipalities/Indigenous People and co-chairing sessions held across the Province to build further awareness for Provincial staff on our Indigenous history.
  • This final project was recognized provincially for Innovation.
  • Successfully participating on interview panels and have made a point of continuing those relationships despite moving onto other roles

Senior Housing Advisor, Municipal Advisor

Ministry Of Municipal Affairs And Housing
  • Responsible for promoting and encouraging municipal partnership in a Provincial Affordable Housing Program across Eastern Ontario. This led to a number of ground-breaking ceremonies opening new housing developments from Peterborough to Renfrew to Kingston. These were most satisfying outcomes of my efforts.
  • As a Municipal Advisor, I was involved in municipal restructuring across Eastern Ontario, including Kingston.

Urban Planner

Ministry Of Municipal Affairs And Housing
  • Reviewed and made recommendations on a range of land use planning applications focused on provincial interests.
  • Successfully defended provincial decisions at the Ontario Municipal Board, which is now known as the Ontario Land Tribunal.


Masters of Arts: Urban Planning

McGill University
Montreal, QC

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Geography

Queen's University
Kingston, ON

Advanced Leadership Skills

Richard Ivey School of Business
London, ON


    Consistent focus throughout my career on customer service

    Advanced oral, listening and written communication skills

    Demonstrated leadership skills through heading Branches with over 30 staff on a number of high profile files requiring innovation and advanced teamwork skills



ServiceOntario, Ministry Of Government Services


Ministry Of Municipal Affairs And Housing

Senior Housing Advisor, Municipal Advisor

Ministry Of Municipal Affairs And Housing

Urban Planner

Ministry Of Municipal Affairs And Housing

Masters of Arts: Urban Planning

McGill University

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Geography

Queen's University

Advanced Leadership Skills

Richard Ivey School of Business
Donna Simmonds