Work History

Daljeet Singh Bagga



Accomplished Political Affairs Officer with a distinguished career at the United Nations, including pivotal roles in Iraq and Somalia. Expert in political analysis, mediation, and strategic communications, I've significantly contributed to peacekeeping efforts and operational excellence. Skilled in creative writing and fostering teamwork, my work has enhanced mission outcomes and operational cohesion.


years of professional experience

Work History

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Somalia

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Lebanon

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Haiti

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Darfur (Sudan)

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Headquarters
2010.08 - 2023.08

Monitored developments in all UN peacekeeping Missions in conflict zones and provided political, operational, humanitarian, human rights and security updates in the forms of the publications of a Daily Briefing Notes, Flash Reports, Alerts, and, and PowerPoint presentations on activities.

Prepared analytical reports, background notes, political profiles, database, code cables and provided inputs for the regular reports of the UN Secretary-General on peacekeeping operations to the UN Security Council and other relevant UN bodies.

Worked in the most challenging work environment in some of the most dangerous regions of the word, namely, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Angola, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Afghanistan, Haiti, Darfur (Sudan) and Somalia under frequent and tight deadlines.

Monitored situational awareness on security of UN staff, ensuring that operational requirements were followed during major security-related incidents. In several Missions, as part of the conflict-building and conflict-resolution measures, identified potential problems and provided guidance and support, built relationships, and maintained close liaison with political leadership, local community-based organizations, civil society actors and religious groups, NGOs and humanitarian aid organizations, ensuring a smooth flow of aid and other forms of political expertise and assistance.

Public Information Officer/Spokesman

United Nations Headquarters
1993.03 - 2008.08

1996-07 - 1997-12

Public Information Officer

United Nations Protection Force in former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina

UN Interim Force in Lebanon in Lebanon

UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission on the DMZ

United Nations Angola Verification Mission

· Actively engaged in the preparation of press releases, talking points, backgrounder notes and the dissemination of accurate and timely information of the UN activities and mandate to the media and other external audiences, which included the diplomatic community, NGOs and other interlocutors. Closely worked with the UN Spokesman and media specialists from all the UN Agencies, Funds and Programs

· Prepared an in-depth review/analyses on current trends in media coverage on several UN operations and other global issues for the UN senior leadership, UN agencies and peace-keeping operations. Up-to-date knowledge of current affairs topics and issues and ability to identify public affairs needs, opportunities and risks in an international environment, including political awareness and the ability to diplomatically handed sensitive situations.

· Edited the Mission magazines and publications, prepared a summary of daily UN press briefings and attended political meetings between UN officials and warring-faction leaders and briefed journalists on conclusion of such meetings.


· Communicated with media weekly to build relationships and optimize press coverage.

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Press Officer/Media Relations Coordinator

United Nations Headquarters
1992.02 - 1993.03

UN Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Global Futures Network, Environment & Development NGO

Covered the UN General Assembly/Security Council/Special Political Committee meetings and press conferences by foreign leaders and dignitaries, wrote press releases and backgrounder notes. Also covered the Economic and Social Council meetings, prepared a daily morning news bulleting and Daily Highlights for the dissemination to all UN offices and media outlets worldwide. Covered the meetings and reported in a highly professional, accurate and timely manner. Met deadlines, was quick on the uptake and detail-oriented.

Liaised with the print/electronic media, answering media inquiries about the Earth Summit Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992.

Prepared and coordinated documentation of information and maintaining a media directory and press clippings of relevant articles concerning the Earth Summit Conference. Assisted in organizing press conferences with UN and Member States officials, for senior DPI officials, prepared press releases, handled copy editing of articles, Agenda 21 document and other papers. Served in a professional and conscientious manner handling media relations and activities.

Honorarium service doing environmental and social research, attending seminars on population development and environmental issues. Doing field work on global ecological issues. Also performed administrative and marketing of publications and books and other periodicals. Strong interaction with the NGO community in the USA and India helped the Global Futures Network becomes one of the strongest voices on environment and development not only in India but also in several countries abroad.

Editor/News Reporter

Reuters / Free Press Journal / News India-Monitor
1989.05 - 1992.04

· Conceived the weekly English-language newspaper in New York. Wrote editorials, feature articles, news stories. Managed the complete functioning of the newspaper—editorial, advertising, management, marketing and circulation. Edited stories received from wire services and correspondents, proof reading, copy editing, selecting photos, layout and caption and headline writing. Worked hard to increase the circulation of the newspaper which shot up three-fold, and the quality improved greatly..

· Collaborated with graphics department to develop and implement visual elements.


· Adhered to Associated Press and internal style guidelines, educating staff on standards.

· Monitored breaking news for information on incidents, events and topics of interest to quickly assign coverage to staff.

Assigned stories, led content development meetings and reviewed completed stories to guide execution of concepts and tone.

· Assisted the Bombay bureau chief in story research and writing of important and breaking stories and events.

Free Press Journal, Mumbai, India

· Wrote news stories, features, covered various beats like political, Government Council, environment, development and business for the daily English-language newspaper in Mumbai. Wrote several stories which increased awareness in Bombay about the menace of drug abuse; several of the stories led to the passing of legislations to curb the drug abuse in India.

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  • Enhanced publication quality by diligently proofreading and editing articles for grammar, spelling, and consistency.

  • Conducted thorough fact-checking to ensure accuracy and credibility of published information.


Master of Arts - Economics

Osmania University

Post-Graduate One-year Course - One-year Course in Journalism, PR And Advertising

Bombay College of Journalism
Mumbai India

Bachelor of Arts - Economics

Bombay University
Bombay India


  • Creative writing and editing
  • Communications and Press Releases
  • Political Analysis and Mediation
  • Planning and Coordination
  • Teamwork and Accountability
  • Friendly, Positive Attitude
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Problem-Solving


Native or Bilingual


Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Headquarters
2010.08 - 2023.08

Public Information Officer/Spokesman

United Nations Headquarters
1993.03 - 2008.08

Press Officer/Media Relations Coordinator

United Nations Headquarters
1992.02 - 1993.03

Editor/News Reporter

Reuters / Free Press Journal / News India-Monitor
1989.05 - 1992.04

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Somalia

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Lebanon

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Haiti

Political Affairs Officer

United Nations Mission in Darfur (Sudan)

Master of Arts - Economics

Osmania University

Post-Graduate One-year Course - One-year Course in Journalism, PR And Advertising

Bombay College of Journalism

Bachelor of Arts - Economics

Bombay University
Daljeet Singh Bagga