Insightful professional in the field of educational and career guidance, known for high productivity and efficiency in task completion. Possesses specialized skills in student counseling, development of career education programs, and vocational assessment techniques. Excels through empathetic listening, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities, ensuring optimal support and guidance for individuals seeking educational and career advice.
Conducted orientation and career guidance classes for school counselors.
Delivered training on drug abuse and its effects for the Ernakulam Police Force, Child Line staff, and volunteers.
Conducted counseling for de-addicted children at Bosco Nilayam Shelter Home, Kumbalangi, Vazhi
Zumba Dance Training for Residents in Canada
Conducted classes for foster care children in Ashalaya, Bangalore
Worked in an Early Learning Centre to educate young children in Bangalore
Organized the Dream Kerala Region Meet in Kochi
Chief Programme Coordinator at Sneha Bhavan Golden Jubilee Inauguration.