Intern OLO Parliamentary Affairs/Issues Management
- Parliamentary Affairs
- Assisted with Question Period preparation, along with the administrative tasks required for the facilitation of question period.
- Conducted research and media scans to identify useable content for Question Period, along with identifying materials that can be utilized to support our main narrative/messaging.
- Made suggestions and edits to questions if requested by a specific member.
- Ensured that the drafted questions presented by the various Members of Parliament followed the Leader's requirements for Question Period.
- Completed various legislative research tasks to support the Leader and caucus as a whole.
- Ensured the questions presented by the various members followed the specific timing regulations
-Issues Management
- Conducted opposition research, policy research, legislative research and research regarding specific issues to support our main messaging/narrative.
- Prepared pre-emptive materials to be used for the Leader's main messaging.
- Prepared materials to be utilized for Issue avoidance.
- Conducted research and created profiles for specific individuals of note or to be avoided.
- Prepared social media materials to be utilized by the Leader and Members within caucus.
- Conducted regular social media scans to ensure the avoidance and ceasing of any potential issues.